Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Two for Tuesday: The Procrastination Edition

This is a rather long edition of "Two for Tuesday."

Don't get use to this.

Item #1.  If you haven't signed up for my FREE personal shopping services yet, well, you're in luck.  All new clients will automatically get $5 in free points to spend at Sears, Kmart, or Lands End AND 90 days of free shipping with SYW Max.  Now, who says procrastination doesn't have its perks?

Crazy right?  A free personal shopper/stylist PLUS getting paid $5 and free shipping.

This is what you would call a NO BRAINER!

Sign up here. (Just don't try it on an iphone or ipad - system glitch - you're going to have to use an actual computer people... I know... I know... the audacity!)

Item #2.  Speaking of procrastination, here is a post I forgot to publish on Saturday...Enjoy:

Since Erin, is my home girl this month (I sponsored her blog in April, guest posted about personal shopping etc) I decided to join in on her Getting Personal link up as well. Since I usually don't get too personal on here, I thought it would be a fun way to change things up.

Ok time to answer some tough questions:

1. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would it be?

I would have listened to my professor in college who tried to talk me out of getting my Masters in Elementary Ed and doing a dual Masters/Doctoral program at Columbia for my PhD in English.  He told me I was going to hate teaching.  (I hated teaching.)  He told me I'd be so happy to have my PhD.  (I totally would have been.)  My husband has a doctoral degree.  We are Dr. and Mrs. Sanzo - that burns my you know what.  We should be Dr. and Dr. Sanzo.  Grrrrr!

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Dancing through the streets of Rochester singing Happy Days Are Here Again because both of my boys will be in school full time.  Woooo hooooo!

3. Do you honestly want kids?

Thing 1 and Thing 2
Yes, which is good since I have two of them.  I also honestly know I don't want any more kids.  Which is also good since my husband got a vasectomy...

4. What has been the best moment of your life so far?

I can't pick one - so let's go with my top 5:

1.  Marrying the love of my life.
2.  Standing with said love as newlyweds in the Sistine Chapel on a private tour with only a few other people.  Priceless, awe-inspiring moment.
3.  Becoming Colten's mommy.
4.  Becoming Cooper's mommy.
5.  Seeing my name in print.

5. What is your life theme song?

"Settle Down" by Phillip Phillips - I decided it was my apraxia anthem for my two sweet and special boys and then my church decided it was our church's theme song.  So yeah...it's my jam all the way around.

6. What is one thing you have yet to accomplish that you want to do before you die?

Write a book, win the lottery, travel the world, eradicate world hunger, be famous - you know, the usual...

7. If you could choose one thing to be known for, what would it be?

My integrity.

8. If you could do anything you wanted right in this very moment (no consequences, no fear, etc), what would it be?

I'd drop the kids at grandma's, grab my husband, and fly to Paris.  Then I would shop.  A. lot.  And eat.  I'd eat a lot too.

9. What has been the most challenging moment in your life?

Hearing the diagnosis of apraxia.

10. Summarize yourself in one word.


Now it's time for YOU to stop procrastinating.  Come on, you know you have other things you are supposed to be doing other than reading this blog like, I don't know, your job, taking care of your children, etc.

Love that you're procrastinating with me today though! ;)  Now get back to work!


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 Google Reader will soon be kaput.


  1. Fun post, I hadn't read yours in a while and this was a fun catch up! Hope all is well.

  2. Love this post & hearing more about you! And happy 4th birthday to Colten! I too have adopted the "Settle Down" by Phillip Phillips song and when it comes on the radio now Jake says, "This my song!" It makes me smile. Have a good weekend chick!


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